Bois de ronde (Erythroxylum laurifolium)
Shrub or treelet reaching 7 m high and with trunk 10-15 cm in diameter at the base.Leaves with narrowly elliptic blade,narrowed and wedge shaped at the base, acute or rounded at the summit:upper surface deep green;lower surface light green, with marked nervation
Endemic to Mauritius and Reunion islands.Grow in the shade of forest trees in low altitude forests.The plant flowers in september -october and in January- February
Parts used:
Stem and bark
Preparation and utilisation:
1.A decoction of the stem and bark is diuretic and is commonly used against renal stones,sore throat and nephritic colic.
Bois cassant(Faujasiopsis flexuosa)
Erect or lianescent shrub 1-2 m high,with slender ,easily breakable spreading branches.Leaves petioled,grossly serrated.Flower head numerous colour white
The species is endemic to the Mascarene Islands.The typical species is still fairly common in Mauritius and grow in forest of low and high altitudes(600-700m) as Corps de Garde Mt;Pouce Mt and Mt Cocotte in the South West of the island
Parts used:
Preparation and utilisation:
1. A leaf decoction is used against dysentry and diabetes
2.The whole plant is also used against asthma
Bois colophane batard(Protium obtusifolium)
Tree with spreading crown reaching 20 m high, with greyish bark exuding a clear gluey resin with
strong scent of terpentine.Leaves grouped at the top of the branchlets. Flowers numerous, fruit a capsule enclosing 1-3 seeds
Endemic to Mauritius.Fairly common in remnants of native forests at all altitudes Yemen ,Macchabe, Montagne Bambous.
Parts used:
Leaf and bark.
Preparation and utilisation
1.A leaf and bark decoction treats urinary tract infections.
2.Abark decoction is drunk against intestinal infections and is also diuretic
Well informative piece of job!
ReplyDeleteGood job!Useful for all Mauritians.